Monday, May 23, 2011

Volcano hike to Fuego!

Well, there'll be 2 blog updates in rapid succession.  Tonight is about our weekend hike to a volcano named Fuego.  Tomorrow will be about the completion of the washing machine aka the "Bicilavadora".  Then Javier and I are gonna start on a mobile.... great things to see!

Friday right after the end of the day we left for a Volcano named Fuego.  First, we caughta chicken bus to a crossroads not too far from here.  At that point, all 6 of us managed to land a ride in the back of a pickup to a small town at the base of a mountain next to the volcano.... at that point, we had to catch another chicken bus, bus it was full.... so we had the luck of riding ON TOP of the bus for about 1/2 hour.  We went into the clouds.  CLOUDS!

The volcano we went to is called "Fuego". "Fuego" is famous for being almost constantly active at a low level. Smoke issues from its top daily, but larger eruptions are rare.  The volcano itself is about 3,700m high.  We hiked to a small bump connected to the main volcano, probably around 3600m.  Took us about 6 hours to hike up to there, arriving at 12:30am.  We sat there and watched low level eruptions for a few hours, and I passed out in the comfort of a sleeping bag under the stars.  It was a great place to contemplate things that have happened (as if they really matter), and where to be a bigger person in the world.  By the way, there's pine trees here.  I have a pinecone.  
Eruption at 1-2am

Back of pickup with some... chunky locals.

More ooooooh

Hiking home at 7am or so.

Enjoy the photos!  

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